Sweetheart in a sentence as a noun

Facebook reassures you that you dodged a bullet when you didn't marry your high school sweetheart.

It was about cutting a sweetheart, loss-leader deal with AOL to replace the browser in the biggest ISP in the world.

It's perfectly fair for you as a taxpayer to complain that it's a sweetheart deal for Goldman and shouldn't be where your money goes.

Effectively it's the same money because they own the company as long as all the owners agree to a sweetheart deal.

After a couple of years, during which Cisco illicitly made millions, Stanford gave them a sweetheart licensing deal.

Sweetheart in a sentence as an adjective

"You should write to the WSJ that anyone that wants the same "sweetheart deal" can easily get it, by simply emailing the same offer to all the Y-combinator startups and putting up the cash.

"Since they set up the comparison themselves, I wonder if Stripe would be in favor of legislation that forced them to forever treat all their customers neutrally vs. us just trusting them to "work hard to ensure" that end. Perhaps making it illegal to offer sweetheart deals to bigger clients for example?

And lets not forget the previous sentence:"But a few months later, Mr. Conway ignited another drama when he quietly negotiated what some investors considered to be a sweetheart deal.

Pretty sure the labels are giving Spotify sweetheart licensing deals right now to boost a business in which they're a stakeholder, but once they're not invested in the business they have every incentive to put the screws to the new owner by jacking up licensing fees.

The advertising agency explained, in its 1948 strategy paper, "We spread the word of diamonds worn by stars of screen and stage, by wives and daughters of political leaders, by any woman who can make the grocer's wife and the mechanic's sweetheart say 'I wish I had what she has.

Sweetheart definitions


a person loved by another person

See also: sweetie steady truelove


any well-liked individual; "he's a sweetheart"


a very attractive or seductive looking woman


privileged treatment of a favored person or corporation (sometimes unethically); "another sweetheart deal based on political influence"