Superordinate in a sentence as a noun

Goals is most certainly complex: dreams are superordinate to goals, goals are superordinate to tasks.

Superordinate in a sentence as a verb

Yes, although I like the idea of superordinate goals because I think it eliminates a lot of attempts at bad faith participation.

Superordinate in a sentence as an adjective

Yes, but going back to the parent's point, while you may think it's instinctive to have a dominance trait, the "come on time" rule is only there probably because the manager's superordinate instilled it in him. I guarantee you we are not going back to our primate roots when we wake up and get to office, and OP might be thinking this in too much of a literal sense.

Superordinate definitions


one of greater rank or station or quality

See also: superior higher-up


a word that is more generic than a given word

See also: hypernym


place in a superior order or rank; "These two notions are superordinated to a third"


of higher rank or status or value