Sufferance in a sentence as a noun

As a renter, I am living someplace at the sufferance of someone else.

He lived under sufferance of the potential for harmful consequence for his writing.

Snowden's asylum has always been on the sufferance of the Russian government.

Or have you been using TM1 under sufferance all these years or not using it at all but effectively just made an early purchase of TM2. Neither of those seem particularly likely to me.

It's deeply unprofitable and exists only at the sufferance of the city government.

Remember that a search engine ultimately functions at the sufferance of copyright owners.

If simply reading someone's thought process as they come to a different conclusion than yours is such a sufferance for you maybe exercise some of that freedom and don't read it.

There are many in US. This hypothetical cooperative can put all the policies in place which they want but do not get from Google.> It must be said, again and again: corporations exist at the sufferance of the society that grants them their charter and only exist for the benefit of that society.

Businesses exist at and only at the sufferance of the society that grants that charter and need only be permitted to exist so long as there is positive social benefit to their existence.

Almost every company that hires software developers are corporations or another limited-liability structure, such as an LLC. These entities exist at the sufferance of the society that grants that charter.

To me, that's the biggest problem with the idea, it is intrinsically based on the sufferance of the very entities you are putatively trying to avoid, and that's basically true regardless of the politics of the platform.

We should be smacking around ISPs anyway, just to remind them that as limited-liability corporations with government-issued charters they exist in their current form on public sufferance and must remember their place while they still have one.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

Sufferance definitions


patient endurance especially of pain or distress


a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations; "all people should practice toleration and live together in peace"

See also: toleration acceptance