Toleration in a sentence as a noun

I lived in multiple countries, and the toleration I see here is just incredible.

As someone put it, toleration is not toleration unless you put up with that with which you will not put.

His statement of toleration wasn't meant to illustrate the fact that society is better off with some dissenters.

The widespread toleration of sexual assault against prisoners is perhaps the easiest proof of that.

If it were to move one millimeter beyond public toleration, a vicious cycle of escalation would start.

Think about it, answering the question: "What's your weakness" politely is "toleration of incompetence".

However, that toleration goes away when govts are seriously hurting for revenue.

WTF are they doing asking us questions more suited for a hired female companion/prostitute?The lack of toleration for complete incompetence is what people need.

Getting live feedback also requires toleration to transient syntax/semantic/and execution errors, and to be fairly efficient.

If you deal with large companies, you need to keep more operating expenses as available cash/credit than when you are dealing with small companies, and really, you need to have a lot of patience and toleration.

Toleration definitions


a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations; "all people should practice toleration and live together in peace"

See also: acceptance sufferance


official recognition of the right of individuals to hold dissenting opinions (especially in religion)