Instrumental in a sentence as an adjective

Says it tortured a few alleged terrorists, and you stand on the sidelines and cheer, you don't realize you are being instrumental in your own destruction.

"The data & reporting interfaces will be used across Monsanto and should be instrumental in the making of key business decisions.

Ronald Coase wrote an instrumental paper in 1959 suggesting we should propertize spectrum and allow trading, which would lead to efficient allocations.

Communist spies outside of government were also instrumental to soviet espionage efforts, including the theft of nuclear technology[5][6].

Why should we treat him with respect given all the disrespectful things that he's instrumental in?Those in power keep trying to present this as a "conversation" or a "dialog," but that's absolute ********.

Useful context for Jobs' response:"Jon Rubinstein is an American computer scientist and electrical engineer who played an instrumental role in the development of the iPod.

With whom?And for all this wondrous hospitality, which was so instrumental in my formative years and my coming of age, so inextricably bound up in who I am today, with so many friendships and experiences that continue to endure, to forever be fixtures of my fond reminiscing and my imagination, my parents and their peers routinely got harassment from the state department of family and children's services.

Instrumental definitions


relating to or designed for or performed on musical instruments; "instrumental compositions"; "an instrumental ensemble"


serving or acting as a means or aid; "instrumental in solving the crime"

See also: implemental subservient