Vitriolic in a sentence as an adjective

Your defending such a vitriolic comment, sorry but you sound like scum.

No one is inspired to write a vitriolic blog post whining that their Android app only makes 73% as much as the iOS version.

By the same token I find that UI wars are the most vitriolic, after all they are the way you talk to the machine day in and day out.

This comment seemed to me a perfect specimen of the type that drags down forums: vitriolic and ill-informed.

For what it's worth, people say the same thing about PHP; how do you feel about that language?It's hard reading vitriolic attacks on things you enjoy.

"It would be incredibly shocking to see a vitriolic HN comment coming from community leaders like tptacek"wat

Except that he didn't "espouse vitriolic and discrimatory views.

The group managing systemd is also known to be more than a bit vitriolic and opinionated - what you believe is wrong might be something they thing is right.

If so, I feel like a personal, emotional and vitriolic response isn't the way to go. Double down with an editorial piece that restates the ethical stance and integrity of The Verge or ignore the sniping.

Many of them are additionally vitriolic reiterations of much less insight and nuance than what antirez said. They do not contribute to progressing the core discussion, and are only valuable to the extent that we attempt to answer a subtle social issue by taking a vote of twitter users.

I've actually avoided reading articles that I likely would have otherwise found interesting just to avoid seeing the vitriolic comments that inevitably follow.

However, when reporters, bloggers, and commentators flood the internet with harassment stories accompanied with such vitriolic language, it's harder for me to tell the actual stories apart from the bombastic linkbait.

I think what the GP means is that there is a very vocal, very vitriolic subsection of the feminist movement that claim there is NO reason for the differences in men and women, other than the historical repression of women by men.

> Even on Hacker News I've seen vitriol directed at [...]To be fair, the author himself is pretty vitriolic about C++:"I saw C++ coming and read the book - or at least tried to read the book - there's a dent in the wall behind my piano, where the book hit the wall - Improvements to C should make things easier not more complicated, I thought"

Vitriolic definitions


harsh or corrosive in tone; "an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose"; "a barrage of acid comments"; "her acrid remarks make her many enemies"; "bitter words"; "blistering criticism"; "caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics"; "a sulfurous denunciation"; "a vitriolic critique"


of a substance, especially a strong acid; capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action

See also: caustic corrosive erosive mordant