Stroking in a sentence as a noun

Occam is pacing back and forth and stroking his beard on this one, that's for sure.

Someone just couldn't resist stroking his own ego a little more.

It is much more ego-stroking than joining one of the many groups already doing great work.

Without any rationale to back it up, its just ego-stroking.

", that means "i'm complaining so i'm sincere to you and trusting you", the essence of social stroking is different.

I don't care to explain to you why breast obsession apps and mock-stroking in front of and all over an audience are offensive to others.

It enabled enhanced ego-stroking because it took tedious photographs and made them look like they were cool without any effort.

Someone on a forum wrote something that was an "aha" moment for me: "Social interaction is mainly about people stroking each other, the same way that you stroke a dog.

This is slightly off topic, but the reason I never started using Instagram is related to the reason I quit Facebook: the continuous stream of ego-stroking, look-at-me status updates and photographs was just tedious.

Does anyone think that the recruiter who wasted the author's time is going to reflect deeply on this and change his ways?Rather than striking back with some ego-stroking revenge, maybe educating the recruiter on why his behavior was shitty might help more?

" I imagine if I had gone there after attending Harvard, I wouldn't have noticed so much, but as a midwesterner whose prior academic experience was at University of Cincinnati, it did seem to me that MIT spent a lot of time stroking the egos of its community.

Stroking definitions


a light touch with the hands

See also: stroke