Differentia in a sentence as a noun

By charging people this fee when their order does cross the spread and not giving them the rebate when it doesn't there's an easy differential to capture.

Is the author familiar with all of the recent work around neural differential equations?

In about 10 lines of code you can solve equations, do state of the art numerical optimization or solve differential equations.

In other words, you should be able to take a genus, run the differentia forumla on it, and get only the instances of the concept that your looking at out.

Thus you frequently see poetic statements like "my cat is great at solving differential equations", or "music is math because it's all about harmonic series and Fourier analysis".

But more to the point, trade in general is not a defining characteristic of capitalism, it's not the differentia specifica of capitalism.

This is differential work factor cryptography rather than differential cryptanalysis.

You would need to have precisely defined concepts from standard English in genera/differentia format in such a way that the system could determine contextually which concepts are being used in the user's query, and with that you could execute whatever you wanted.

"Speaking of special privileges, the extraordinary differential between the 15% tax rate that capitalists pay on carried interest, dividends, and capital gains, and the 35% top marginal rate on work that ordinary Americans pay, is kind of hard to justify without a touch of deification.

But by the far the biggest differential that I see comes with the value-add piece: with YC, founders pay a price in terms of equity they give up but they get huge benefits from becoming part of a network that keys them in to relationships and solutions that can prove invaluable to an early-stage startup.

The reason for the contradiction, as far as I can tell, is their lack of a consistent model for what a concept is vs. what a word is, etc. Also missing seems to be the formal definition functionality necessary to make the model work, such as an unambiguous genus for a concept, and an unambiguous differentia of that genus reducable to the form of a logical formula.

Differentia definitions


distinguishing characteristics (especially in different species of a genus)