Strikebreaker in a sentence as a noun

I think the intention was as a synonym for "strikebreaker".

Ronald Reagan had no problems with using such strikebreakers

I truly can't comprehend the strikebreakers getting away with... Well, cold blooded ******.

Company A can survive the long strike by taking hit on it's monetary reserves, perhaps pay strikebreakers, etc.

Until the non-members jump in and start filling in the void... yeah, well I guess this idea won't work - you can't really prevent the strikebreakers from moving in.

Call it scab, strikebreaker, whatever; you are undermining your coworkers' demands and weakening the strike.

Imagine trying to figure out the answers to any of these questions without senior engineers around, and in fact nobody around except other strikebreakers with the same questions.

Strikebreaker definitions


someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike

See also: scab blackleg