Scab in a sentence as a noun

A plaque is like a scab of the arterial wall.

I often see people arguing against scab labor with real fervor, but how is this defined?

Having the scab ripped off the NSA has altered the perspective of entire generations.

It is a simple definition, a scab is a person who accepts work that undermines the union.

Scab in a sentence as a verb

... and the 3rd article a gadget blog has written about some website, because they'll scab traffic from anywhere they can get it.

He's essentially a scab, undermining the Unions bargaining power.

It's your own critical faculty on steroids a useful faculty but one that has gotten out of control and turned into the mental equivalent of a scab that you keep picking at day after day and never allowing to heal.

Proper Noun Examples for Scab

"Scab" is inappropriate because a scab is someone who works for the company that the strike is against.

Scab definitions


someone who works (or provides workers) during a strike

See also: strikebreaker blackleg


the crustlike surface of a healing skin lesion


form a scab; "the wounds will eventually scab"


take the place of work of someone on strike

See also: fink blackleg