Strangely in a sentence as an adverb

But if you like things that are absurd, sometimes useless, yet strangely beautiful, then take a closer look at this works. Thank you for everything, _why.

But they seem strangely blind about the real hard edges associated with being human. Instead of assistance it all seems to be about data, speed, and relevance.

Drew, I use dropbox and I appreciate it, but I find communications from you and Arash to be strangely borderline ... off.

Nice sentiment that makes all us awkward people feel better but still wrong and strangely reminds me of America's obsession with self-esteem over real achievement. I'm a ******* weirdo.

Demo GEO Geo findings of Alexa seem to agree with Alexa, though strangely enough, India is missing from the top countries. Quantcast claims only 56k unique cookies from India.

And on the Peninsula, in particular, there was a strangely obvious class structure. In particular the startup scene around Stanford was super-weird.

Perhaps they treat "Facebook-haters" strangely not because they're not on Facebook, but because they go out of their way to annoy everyone by trying to make a point out of it all the time?

But in doing so they're encouraging labor mobility, and seem strangely shocked to find out that employees would take with them the expertise, history, and network of contacts that they had accumulated and move that value somewhere else. It's really interesting how they have resorted to strong arming their engineers with these shot in the back non-competes, and couple it with salary collusion and hiring agreements.

Strangely definitions


in a strange manner; "a queerly inscribed sheet of paper"

See also: queerly oddly funnily