Oddly in a sentence as an adverb

FB used to make me oddly depressed. Its like sitting in front of the TV and feasting on Sour Patch Kids for two hours.

* I write this out of bitterness because I don't drink or play video games, which oddly I feel disqualifies me from working many places. "Oh, you don't play xbox?

Looking at these dead submissions makes HN look like one of the most oddly censored sites on the net. Many of them seem perfectly legitimate.

Such an unusual and oddly endearing gesture. i am sure there is some kind of story behind it, but it's kind of beautiful in this industry full of people who first decide they want to make money and then decide what to build.

This method is special, oddly enough, because it isn't special: Either is just a normal Haskell type so the error checking isn't baked into the language. Coming from another language, you would expect to have to check your return value each time.

So is the irrelevant discussion of "pulse", which is oddly supported with video that is just played forward and backward. The paper just claims to support some known, quantifiable correlations with some data.

And not go up and rape a woman, but perhaps take a chance and put their hand on the girls shoulder during conversation to show interest, where they might have otherwise oddly looked away from them. Also, there's a huge difference between personal conduct in a night club and in a library.

I know it's complex, and so I don't expect perfection out of the gate, so a few runs through the "fix one thing, find another issue" washer are oddly reassuring to me. Even though rationally I know that fixing things I knew to test for doesn't mean it's any less likely that there are errors in the things I haven't thought to test.

Most 13 year olds behave oddly enough in the opinion of most adults that it's got to be easier to credit weird behavior to generational or cultural differences. So kudos to the winners on strategy, and boo to the contest organizers for having such poor rules.

Oddly definitions


in a manner differing from the usual or expected; "had a curiously husky voice"; "he's behaving rather peculiarly"

See also: curiously peculiarly


in a strange manner; "a queerly inscribed sheet of paper"

See also: queerly strangely funnily