5 example sentences using stays.
Stays used in a sentence
Stays in a sentence as a noun
The price of the car stays the same, though, so the manufacturer gets to keep the difference as extra profit.
> Airbnb, while pointing out that the incident was the first of its kind out of some 2 million stays booked since the company's founding in 2008this isn't true.
And if Satoshi stays anonymous, it just means that everything is going exactly as planned.
It reminded me of facts I had already learned from other sources, including living overseas for two three-year stays in east Asia.
Is the ssh client really happy that it can make a TCP connection to the intarwebs, especially for me?What does this sentence mean to someone that wants to ssh from their phone?it helps you when you need it, and stays out of your way when you dontSo when I want to be sshing, I can run it, and when I don't want to be sshing, I don't have to run it?