Stalemate in a sentence as a noun

The purpose of the shutdown is not just to save money, it's also to force a break in the stalemate.

Did you read to the end of the article where it was actually described why it is a stalemate?

After a half a year of this stalemate that you abhor, a woman's nuclear knife won't work any more.

We were at a stalemate but some of the jurors weren't sure of the patent prosecution process.

Until a year or two ago there was a stalemate as far as "rich web" development technologies goes.

Stalemate in a sentence as a verb

I doubt Google particularly wants to be an ISP, but something has to be done to break up the stalemate in the US. Google are one of the few companies with enough clout to actually get the ball rolling.

It is sad watching the two countries' governments waste time, energy and lives in a conflict that is essentially at a stalemate.

Motorola responded with standards-based patents and non-standards based patents, with the clear intention of trying to get a stalemate settlement.

If you patiently read to the end of the article, it is explained that, in fact, potential candidates's fear of Gates and his refusal to leave the board might be causing a stalemate.

Stalemate definitions


a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible; "reached an impasse on the negotiations"

See also: deadlock impasse standstill


drawing position in chess: any of a player's possible moves would place his king in check


subject to a stalemate