Deadlock in a sentence as a noun

The popular vote in that case was not a deadlock, and would have made for a clear winner with no disputes.

This is indicative of a deadlock, where no goroutine can make progress.

How can you say that the EC avoids deadlock, and then immediately start talking about Florida?

Quitting resolved the deadlock, and I learned afterwards that he really did go through the work and change it all to "dialogue".

If you investigate it, however, you may find that the root cause was a deadlock, one that got resolved in an unhappy way.

Hire for smarts and ability to learn, not just knowing how to write a rails app in one day and knowing how to debug a deadlock with gdb etc.

Sleeps would mask the symptoms, yes, but would never actually solve a deadlock, the program would just do nothing for a longer period of time.

6 days ago the poster was calling it their "language of choice" and saying other nice things[1], so perhaps they're just having a bad day with debugging a deadlock.

You can get into deadlock situations in your messaging code if you aren't really careful about message sizes and when you order poll in/poll out.

The worst problem was a deadlock condition that could take out one of the database servers randomly kicking off ten's of thousands of users at a time.

Sure, but that makes Sweden pretty much the only party in this game to be able to break the deadlock without endangering Assange's life: just fly your prosecutor to London and question Assange.

Do you know what the chances of deadlock are in a popular vote of about 100 million people?Oh and can you show me any documented case where someone gives homeless people cigarettes to make them vote for someone?

So maybe it's wrong to say that the risk of deadlock is less than it appears; instead, we say that deadlocks are very risky, but the risk is not that the system will halt, but rather that it will grind forward in the wrong way.

The vast majority resolve so quickly that you barely notice they happened, because once a person has tried a particular deadlock-resolution strategy once or twice, and nothing has blown up as a result, they make a habit of that strategy and get really good at it.

When making jokes about bureaucracy, or constructing poorly-written fiction about bureaucracy, or - most dangerous of all - attempting to implement a bureaucracy as a computer program, there's a tendency to take the risk of deadlock too seriously.

Go is the only one with synchronization on the message sending, and I'm trying to keep an open mind on the utility of that, but so far it mostly seems to have the effect of turning valid code in any other system into a deadlock in Go, for the purpose of avoiding putative problems in asynchronous sending that just don't seem to happen in practice in the other environments.

Deadlock definitions


a situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible; "reached an impasse on the negotiations"

See also: impasse stalemate standstill