Spurn in a sentence as a verb

This was enough to make me spurn their product, and switch to google finance.

Which, ironically, is a theory the GOP tends to spurn.

If these advertisers spurn Google, the company will spin out of control.

I wish they read HN more so they could scoff at my lack of entrepreneurship and spurn my meager revenues.

Seems there is zero chance the incumbents will spurn the TV-monopoloy people in an election year.

Of course, there are also plenty of times when SQL will spurn a boolean index because it's not selective enough.

It's goal is to spurn innovation in the US and make us richer - it's NOT a force in global equalization.

But discoveries can spurn others in unexpected ways.

Over 10 years ago the Israeli gov started to invest in tech research to spurn more VC funding in certain industries.

If a bunch of people are going to demonstrate what can only be described as overt jealousy, maybe it will spurn their own nations into greater efforts in the space arena.

If Google didn't have VC funding they wouldn't have been able to spurn the sponsored placements that their competitors used and would have ended up with an internal marketing department.

A must-have app that also showed off all the advantages of Metro and served a useful purpose would probably erase a lot of the Windows 8 hatred, and spurn more Metro app creation to boot.

Demonstrating the viability of Hyperloop as the first new mode of transportation since the jet would spurn a whole new global industry practically overnight!

And no skilled programmer would spurn a useful tool like a bounds checker or memory leak detector, because nobody is perfect and these tools save immense amounts of time by pointing you straight to the problem.

Who is Greenspan to say that they are wrong?Indeed, what right do sideline critics in general have to spurn the work of entrepreneurs simply because they "fail" to meet their personal defintion of social value?

But I think this will probably spurn me to get more serious about writing more iPhone apps, and it should open the door for a few more people who work on Ruby-based apps to write their own simple iPhone apps rather than paying a consultant to do it for them.

Spurn definitions


reject with contempt; "She spurned his advances"

See also: reject scorn pooh-pooh disdain