Pooh-pooh in a sentence as a verb

Or do you just plan to stand on the sidelines and try to pooh-pooh the whole thing?

Please realize that this proposal does much more than less/sass variables before you pooh-pooh it.

I don't much like the interface of OSX, but I don't create mailing lists to pooh-pooh it, I simply don't use it. If you have a point, make it. If you just want to complain, get a cat.

Learning keyboard shortcuts isn't the only vital skill, but it's the easiest to master...and the easiest to pooh-pooh.

I don't mean to overly pooh-pooh your rah-rah, but my brain is telling my fingers someone is wrong on the internet!

Now that's not to say it's not Greek to some programmers, and not to pooh-pooh people who have a hard time with math; I have struggled with it a lot.

VCs pooh-pooh lifestyle and bootstrapped businesses because there's no opportunity for them to profit.

Things like the global write lock and single-threaded map/reduce are definitely problems, and shouldn't be pooh-pooh'd away as "oh, just scale horizontally".

Sharing that insight is typically intended to help others succeed, not intended to pooh-pooh their very real suffering and hardships.

Not surprisingly since they kinda pooh-pooh on managers in the book: "We believe that these staples of work life - meetings and managers - are actually the greatest causes of work not getting done at the office".

It may be widely believe in cryptography circles, but this release wipes away the plausible deniability that governments and American corporations have always depended on. Just last week, the German government was pooh-pooh'ing claims that Windows and TPM chips had backdoors inserted by the NSA.

Pooh-pooh definitions


express contempt about


reject with contempt; "She spurned his advances"

See also: reject spurn scorn disdain