Sorcerous in a sentence as an adjective

Dude swears off of vendor for its sorcerous ways and secretly expects others to follow him.

Well thank god it was something normal and mundane like chemicals instead of evil sorcerous nuclear I keep hearing about.

Considering their apparently sorcerous power to get the money people to sign cheques, I really wonder what the **** they do in the sales presentation for this pile of rancid garbage.

But never at any moment during his Senate campaign — nor at any moment during this presidential primary race as far as we can see from here in Texas — has Cruz ever once given any indication that he does not believe in and hold to heart every single word that comes out of his father’s sorcerous mouth.

Sorcerous definitions


possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers; "charming incantations"; "magic signs that protect against adverse influence"; "a magical spell"; "'tis now the very witching time of night"- Shakespeare; "wizard wands"; "wizardly powers"

See also: charming magic magical wizardly