Magical in a sentence as an adjective

After that, the world seemed a lot more magical for a few months.

There must be something magical about that row of 100s.

This is not Tron or the Matrix where hacking against the system takes you to magical adventures.

I worried, I suppose, that nothing surprising and magical would happen.

Well, as it turned out, something surprising and magical did happen.

"Then the magical aspect of patent law called "prior art" would come into play and it wouldn't be patentable.

To see new pages suddenly arrive in the tray to form a crazy and beautiful story must have been magical.

"Maybe if you're already an after-effects wiz this doesn't seem as magical, but it certainly felt like magic to me.

DH allows two unrelated parties who share no secrets to exchange a secret in public; it's kind of magical.

But as I started testing it seriously for the first time ever 6 hours ago, it was undoubtedly a magical experience.

We can't keep launching products and pretending we'll turn them into magical beautiful extensible platforms later.

They will not compete with Apple's "revolutionary, magical" phones and tablets; instead, they'll sell quality tablets and readers to the average person at great prices.

What a software developer creates with a few keystrokes looks to the lay person now as "magical" as creating a sword out of a pile of rocks looked to a lay person a thousand years ago.

Over time different chemicals are available in the beaker and sometimes something magical happens, and sometime noxious fumes come out, but the place is an engine.

But companies balk at paying consulting fees equivalent to three professional salaries for something they think "should" be doable by one person with a magical combination of skills, who will work for maybe $80k.

This kind of "magical" thinking about black boxes one doesn't understand is unfortunately all too common across software engineering.- One place where I agree with the author is that Go's zoo of builtin data structures is really, really poor compared to Java.

Magical definitions


possessing or using or characteristic of or appropriate to supernatural powers; "charming incantations"; "magic signs that protect against adverse influence"; "a magical spell"; "'tis now the very witching time of night"- Shakespeare; "wizard wands"; "wizardly powers"

See also: charming magic sorcerous wizardly