Sorcerer in a sentence as a noun

The programs we use to conjure processes are\n like a sorcerer's spells.

Having a book about a fictuous sorcerer of that name is a problem if you're not associated with JKR. At that point, copyright law might come into play as well.

When I first wrote a program, I felt like Mickey Mouse putting the sorcerer's hat on. My interest wasn't particularly rational.

Payback was usually brutal but quick, whether it be retribution against a sorcerer or anyone else.

... we conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells.\n\n A computational process is indeed much like a sorcerer's idea\n of a spirit.

Thus, like the sorcerer's\n apprentice, novice programmers must learn to understand and to\n anticipate the consequences of their conjuring.

My point is that we are all the sorcerer's apprentice, and runaway complexity will always be the default unless ruthlessly counteracted.

Don't really know why the 4 level f shaped orbital electrons are a level 2 multiclassed bard and the two 5 level s/p and 6 level s are like a level 10 sorcerer, but that may be because I understand about 5 of the words at the beginning of this sentence.

Sorcerer definitions


one who practices magic or sorcery

See also: magician wizard necromancer thaumaturge thaumaturgist