Solarize in a sentence as a verb

I currently use MacVim with solarize dark color palette.

It's been a while since I used it, but off the top of my head:- colors never worked right, you can certainly enable them but themes like solarized are impossible to get working.- it took forever to open.

I just use gnome-terminal on Linux that's had support forever and dropped solarized since the maintainer is not interested in making any setup work besides gVim/MacVim it seems.

I added some universally useful/specific ones early on like AuCTeX, a solarized theme, turning on syntax highlighting, haskell-mode, and so on, but I've found that piling on a ton of plugins and getting away from the 'default' behavior makes it much harder to create a comfortable workflow.

Solarize definitions


reverse some of the tones of (a negative or print) and introduce pronounced outlines of highlights, by exposing it briefly to light, then washing and redeveloping it

See also: solarise


become overexposed; "The film solarized"

See also: solarise


overexpose to sunlight; "be careful not to solarize the photographic film"

See also: solarise


expose to the rays of the sun or affect by exposure to the sun; "insolated paper may turn yellow and crumble"; "These herbs suffer when sunned"

See also: insolate solarise