Softening in a sentence as a noun

They're softening the blow to their less tech savvy users.

I can't agree with you based on that email this post refers to. But maybe he's been softening up over time?

There's a worry Tesla is hiding softening sales.

In short, tptacek can't afford the risk that softening his natural style means a major point will be missed.

Why is the US suddenly softening its stance in this case, both suggesting and approving such a "slap on the wrists"?

Obama himself may have asked him to make this trip and it could go a long way toward softening ties between China and Google as well - depending on the results.

Softening in a sentence as an adjective

My problem with this softening caveat is that the speaker acknowledges that he will present his argument in a way that will offend/sound rude/make him look like a jerk.

It means that when you have something important to say, something that has a direct impact on the people around you, you should not worry about spinning or softening it.

> Everyone talks like 'Last week in my email to you I synthesized our strategic direction'?Its a way of softening the blow for the people being laid off. I mean, sure, you are losing your job, on the other hand, do you really want to work for someone whose brain works in a way that would let them write "Last week in my email to you I synthesized our strategic direction"?

Also call me cynical but I figured the leaked news of Apple's board talking to potential CEO's had more to do with softening the blow to the market when Jobs did inevitably step down than a real split between Jobs and the board.

I get that he is easy to like as he picks on groups not generally liked but let's stick to what he is actually claiming instead of softening it for him.\nAgain, he doesn't give one simple example of a situation which could be handled better by using MAD instead of now used standard deviation.

The Norwegian prison system has a far better rehabilitation rate than most, and this to a large extent has followed a gradual softening up of the prison system from one that was every bit as inhumane as the US system, but is now regularly described as "holiday camp".Imprisonment is used far less, and the tendency is to reduce it further.

Softening definitions


the process of becoming softer; "refrigeration delayed the softening of the fruit"; "he observed the softening of iron by heat"


having a softening or soothing effect especially to the skin

See also: demulcent emollient salving