Socializing in a sentence as a noun

" If it's doing well in school, socializing well, working hard, etc.

Many of them spend most of their socializing in families and tight knit groups of friends.

It's just that if socializing feels like it requires effort and makes you tired, you are probably an introvert.

I speak enough French to get around but it's not so good after an evening of drinking and socializing.

If you had a lot of work to do, you probably would not want to be bothered with socializing with a person you no longer loved.

I like socializing, hanging out with friends, and going to parties, but they make me feel tired and I need time alone to "recharge" afterward.

In most places people spend somewhere between 25-50% of their time surfing the web, reading personal email, hanging out in IRC rooms, socializing, etc.

The problem that I've found with those environments is that the 60% of downtime you have is usually when people are socializing instead of working.

They may not agree on whether socializing the gains or privatizing the losses is more desirable, but they know they don't like the current system.

"Employees were warned against socializing or discussing their compensation with other members of the team.

Instead, they get interested in facebook, not the computer itself, because their older siblings use it, their friends use it, and they then learn that computers are for socializing.

The fact that women prefer men who are good at socializing is, ironically, direct Darwinian selection for intelligence.

[1] It's not even an Indian nationalism thing - many of them avoid socializing with Indians from a different state/ethnicity.

Now imagine a whole generation socializing under these artificial restrictions.

So you're working from home and it's making you feel crappy because you're not socializing, you're working bizarre hours, and you're not capable of picking up non-work-related hobbies?Why jump into immediately advertising your co-working space?

Career development it seems isn't fun to most 20-somethings, socializing at bars is, moving out to Montana to climb things and work for a harvest season is, saving up to hide away in Peru for a year is, writing music with friends while working retail is, but not career development.

Socializing definitions


the act of meeting for social purposes; "there was too much socialization with the enlisted men"

See also: socialization socialisation socialising