Sneeze in a sentence as a noun

The person that spends $4k on a suit isn't going to sneeze at $8k.

Still ~$320,000 per month... nothing to sneeze at there either.

No. I am saying that Facebook is nothing to sneeze at.

In many industries you can't sneeze without getting approval first.

No longer an attractive propositionDepends where you're coming from...At $50 per T/month they're 50% cheaper than Amazon S3. That's nothing to sneeze at.

For those of you that are confused like I was for having never heard the phrase:It's antihistamine money because it's nothing to sneeze at

Sneeze in a sentence as a verb

A random $200k payoff on top of a market competitive salary and benefits package is nothing to sneeze at.

Especially funny is criterion that makes it cyberbullying:> the teacher felt threatenedAm I supposed not to sneeze if the person is afraid of loud noises?

We wanted to avoid the obnoxious "sneeze and a file picker appears" syndrome of basically every other OS. Local data that apps know how to handle should just be magically available within the apps, or stored in the cloud.

I realize that money has less marginal utility to billionaires, but donating 5 to 7 percent of what you've earned in your whole life is nothing to sneeze at. I'm pretty sure Mark thought about this decision as he has never been known to throw money around, and for you to dismiss it as "effortless" is fairly absurd.

The awesome thing is that those numbers, while obviously less than the total member count, are nothing to sneeze at, and have been moving in proportion to the total member count throughout the time they've been measured.

Sneeze definitions


a symptom consisting of the involuntary expulsion of air from the nose

See also: sneezing sternutation


exhale spasmodically, as when an irritant entered one's nose; "Pepper makes me sneeze"