Snake in a sentence as a noun

Sure, she's a snake, but she'll be our snake". Yeah, right.

>> Do Not Track is snake oil for the conscientious objector. This is about the only thing we agree on.

>The techniques and the wording seem snake oilish. You know, every time this guy's story has popped up on here I've defended him.

SEO strikes me the same way: lots of people doing good work and being drowned out by the negative press of snake oil salesmen, con men and link sellers. It's unfair to the people doing the good work...

To be fair, exposing a snake oil salesman is a morally sound undertaking.

In theory it also lowers the chances that you're buying snake oil. Something to consider anyway.

Please, take your snake oil elsewhere." the heavily tested JavaScript framework"?

These are the most soulless snake oil salesmen on earth To say that about webmasters, already victims of years of abusive SEO spamming, when they then refuse to help an abusive site clean up its own mess for free . .

Snake in a sentence as a verb

* We have far fewer snake-oil salesmen ripping people off for cures that are, at best, useless and at worst, cause the condition to get worse, or cause birth defects, or some other harm. If we do find the drug doing harm, it gets pulled off the market

I haven't read the rest of the article, but I got to that phrase and my disposition instantly turned from "huh, this is interesting" to "snake oil", whether deserved or not. Reminds me of the recent "One weird trick!"

Ackman should be given a medal for what he's doing to this snake-oil selling pyramid scheme. He has even disavowed any personal profit from his investment.

I am awed by the chutzpah of whoever is behind Leaping Brain, selling snake oil to clueless media people. This is why I'll never be rich: I am utterly unable to sell crappy non-solutions to people with more money than knowledge.

However, Soylent went from being a simple meal replacement, to a snake oil miracle food nearly overnight. Once the internet buzz started swimming around their milkshake idea, it felt like the developers saw green and threw their standards out the window.

The FDA rules are in place for very good reasons, namely to prevent snake-oil salesmen and other unscrupulous merchandisers from foisting their -- potentially harmful -- products upon an unsuspecting public. I would much rather have FDA clearance for medical products and devices than the alternative that you seem to be proposing.

This article isn't about the spam or the endorsements, but rather about its network effects, with its roots lying in the "positive-thinking industry", a pyramid of salesmen for snake-oil following the model of Dale Carnegie, a man who never influenced anybody until he wrote his famous book. It is a rather interesting perspective of which I never thought about before.

Snake definitions


limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous

See also: serpent ophidian


a deceitful or treacherous person


a tributary of the Columbia River that rises in Wyoming and flows westward; discovered in 1805 by the Lewis and Clark Expedition

See also: Snake


a long faint constellation in the southern hemisphere near the equator stretching between Virgo and Cancer

See also: Hydra Snake


something long, thin, and flexible that resembles a snake


move smoothly and sinuously, like a snake


form a snake-like pattern; "The river snakes through the valley"


move along a winding path; "The army snaked through the jungle"