Chutzpah in a sentence as a noun

"You gotta give Steve Jobs credit for chutzpah!

It takes a lot of chutzpah to ask the question, "Into the sea?

Pleading to the court for mercy on grounds of being an orphan is chutzpah.

If this is amazing chutzpah, then everyone has it.

It's some chutzpah to get annoyed when your victim refuses to help you hide your misdeeds.

It takes a certain chutzpah to leave the sort of comments one sees on this issue and the similar one for Backbone.

On the other hand if he did steal the coins, and now is asking for the community to donate them back to him, then he has an immeasurable amount of chutzpah.

I was in a visual studio building in a meeting, and a windows server group had the chutzpah to convince us that they had reserved our room and kick us out of our own meeting.

However, someone with the guts, resourcefulness and sheer chutzpah to start their own cable company is not going to let a few negative comments on the Internet get in their way.

We're entirely too unwilling to really bother to get the message about this sort of thing out to the layperson, and we're even more unmotivated to actually do something about it. I love to lambast the baby boomers as much as the next neckbeard, but at least some of them actually had the chutzpah to do something.

Chutzpah definitions


(Yiddish) unbelievable gall; insolence; audacity

See also: chutzpa hutzpah