Serpent in a sentence as a noun

The result sounds a little like a stereotypical serpent from a cartoon: "sssscript". I doubt anyone else will pronounce it like this, but I have my hopes.

I learned this while playing Ultima 7, serpent isle. I literally learned english as a teenager while playing that game.

It is like swimming in an ocean of raw-sewage with a 1000 foot, 1000-headed serpent. >> The most unfortunate in India are amongst the most fatalistic - they give up trying.

The cat playing with the mouse, the great white shark tossing a seal, the aligator and the serpent. There are many deeper relationships that are not simple "mis-understandings"--the food chain doesn't work that way.

At least it's better than C. And Java is also a place, Python is an serpent. The key to Googlability for everything is to put the right context keywords.

In point of fact, I think Emotion is animalistic, serpent-brain stuff. Animals do not Think, but I am reasonably certain that they have Emotions.'

There is however an evil serpent hidden in law, which is that laws can be unjust. It's not just erroneous application of law that can be unjust, but the rules themselves can also be unjust.

There was a serpent, a red racer, living in the rocks of the spring where I filled my canteens; he was always there, slipping among the stones or pausing to mesmerize me with his suggestive tongue and cloudly haunted primeval eyes. Damn his eyes.

Intelligence is seen as sinister, all the way back to the serpent in the garden and similar myths. I love stories that upend this myth, especially if they manage to do it without just mindlessly inverting it.

The most creepy line in the entire article: "Their logo, which, Min tells me a few times, has been tattooed on more than 500 Razer fans, is a bright green-and-black three-headed serpent."

Serpent definitions


limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous

See also: snake ophidian


a firework that moves in serpentine manner when ignited


an obsolete bass cornet; resembles a snake