Smoulder in a sentence as a noun

> The whole point is to allow language/harness agnostic tooling, but the only tool of note seems to be smoulder.

It's playing with fire - a fire that may burn out quickly, a fire that may smoulder in the background, or a fire that could burn the whole place down.

Smoulder in a sentence as a verb

I suspect that forcing the war in Syria to smoulder for years rather than burn out in months will be regarded by history as a larger blunder for US foreign policy than Iraq is.

A flamewar that would take a day in an internet forum can smoulder for decades in academia, while the principals gather supporters and snipe at each other in conference sessions.

Smoulder definitions


a fire that burns with thick smoke but no flame; "the smoulder suddenly became a blaze"

See also: smolder


have strong suppressed feelings

See also: smolder


burn slowly and without a flame; "a smoldering fire"

See also: smolder