Smelt in a sentence as a noun

And with that you can smelt bulk metals, and make glass.

You could mine those rocks over there, smelt at a forge, then build the axe.

When I started using the laptop at the end of last week I thought I smelt something odd.

Unless you smelt your own silicon for the transistors and ICs, it's cheating!

Day after a big drinking session, it was unusable since the room smelt so bad.

"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries"

No, because you can't go from Bitcoin back to electricity in the same way you could smelt a gold coin.

Hardware designers don't know how to smelt aluminum.

They blasphemed the beautiful duties of the body: they smelt the grave afar off like a field of flowers.

Smelt in a sentence as a verb

I was thinking: /python/:from returns 'Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!

But if they just got buried somewhere until they rusted into unusability, we could dig up the rust and smelt it.

"Don't most recyclers just toss everything in a big shredder, run the bits and pieces through mechanical separators, and smelt each stream of fragments.

The analogy I like to use is based on prospecting: you can try to find fully-formed gold from the earth or you can smelt down ore into something useful.

Its not clear that we'd be at all tolerant of people who smelt sufficiently different - and I suspect that's why we standardized on a zero which we can all achieve.

With carbon monoxide available all you need is energy in order to be able to effectively smelt metals such as iron, copper, or aluminum.

You would have to look elsewhere for information on how to mine metal, smelt it, etc., how to make charcoal, and how to make progressively more accurate and precise machine tools given a starting point of what we consider today would be quite inaccurate and imprecise tools, but it gives you a taste of what's in store for truly rebooting civilization.

Isn't aluminum particularly profitable to recycle, even with a low recovery, since it requires absurd amounts of power to smelt the stuff in the first place?Aluminum is incredibly abundant in the earth's crust, but from what I understand it is the poster-boy for recycling because of the extreme difference in power costs between melting it down, and making it in the first place.

Smelt definitions


small cold-water silvery fish; migrate between salt and fresh water


small trout-like silvery marine or freshwater food fishes of cold northern waters


extract (metals) by heating