Monoxide in a sentence as a noun

This is caused by the carbon monoxide, and eCigs have zero of this.

This is a worthy cause, right up there with banning dihydrogen monoxide.

Turning off the furnace when the carbon monoxide alarm is triggered is worth it by itself.

There's a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning in the bathroom??

You're probably correct that those 19/20 won't know at first what dihydrogen monoxide is.

People who bought carbon-monoxide\n monitors for their homes or those little felt pads that stop chair legs from\n scratching the floor almost never missed payments.

It is almost exactly like how carbon monoxide kills people, in that "stuff" gets stuck in the important parts which jams the whole works up and then nothing works ever again.

With carbon monoxide available all you need is energy in order to be able to effectively smelt metals such as iron, copper, or aluminum.

Monoxide definitions


an oxide containing just one atom of oxygen in the molecule