Smarmy in a sentence as an adjective

In a tight market like we have now, there will be a lot of smarmy, cut-n-paste junk in your inbox.

I didn't see a point, just a bunch of facts and a smarmy, self-righteous turn-about comment.

It makes clear what you offer and also that there is a concrete service here instead of just another smarmy social site.

Teekert gave a link to back up what they said, unlike you with your almost anonymous account and smarmy attitude.

Take it from a formerly smarmy and arrogant Ivy-leaguer.

I find it a bit smarmy the realtors who imply they can get your property attention from these out of the country investors.

I dont think thats smarmy or righteous, its just good old-fashioned golden rule stuff, and you are demonstrating your integrity.

So he effectively disarms me, then proceeds to be the annoying kind of smarmy pair programmer and tell me everything I'm doing wrong as I'm coding.

If a scoffing, smarmy, self-absorbed know it all can't openly entertain an opinion that isn't theirs, isn't really as open of a mind as advertised.

What a bizarre storyAre they really trying to put a negative spin Steve Wozniak's disdain for patent trolls?The smarmy sarcasm was practically palpable.

It's always funny to see somebody so eager to post a smarmy, obnoxious response to an article that they don't bother to actually read the article.

I dunno, I find shanley's tone rather refreshing compared to the smarmy, passive-aggressive, self-satisfied tone of antirez's article...

Once you are proposing that people spend more than $40-$50 you are pretty smarmy if you are trying to push them into an impulse purchaseNo one should decide on a health insurer based on a MS Paint ad, no matter how hip, nostalgic, and casual they are.

Canonical's method of dumping an obviously intrusive function on users and then issuing a smarmy response that downplays genuine concerns shows that they are missing the social intelligence that would be required to even properly understand issues of privacy invasion, and I'm certainly looking to migrate elsewhere.

Smarmy definitions


unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech; "buttery praise"; "gave him a fulsome introduction"; "an oily sycophantic press agent"; "oleaginous hypocrisy"; "smarmy self-importance"; "the unctuous Uriah Heep"; "soapy compliments"

See also: buttery fulsome oily oleaginous soapy unctuous