Buttery in a sentence as a noun

The framework is buttery smooth, and very well done.

Yes, because android has always been buttery smooth.

"They prove that a buttery-smooth UI is not impossible to build on the web.

That's me, and you're right, everything's very sweet and buttery.

And finally buttery smooth scrolling as good if not better than iPad.

But I want my buttery smooth page renders, damnit./end entitled whining

Animations in built-in apps are buttery smooth, and always have been, ever since the first iPhone.

Buttery in a sentence as an adjective

Nope, it's a specific chemical that smells like buttery popcorn, it's what they put on microwave popcorn.

Whether Android is buttery or is immaterial in these markets - its price that matters most.

"The latest release of Android, with buttery graphics and silky transactions.

As realistic and gorgeous as Forza Horizon is, at speed it feels buttery smooth but not exactly crisp as Forza 4 is.

You know it is escolar when it's a pure white and opaque fish with a buttery taste, which although mislabeled, is not at all unpleasant.

I can see the "floral hints" and "buttery accents" being easy to confuse, but the reds I like are extremely dry, and every white I've ever had is sweet and sticky, sometimes even saccharine.

Buttery definitions


a small storeroom for storing foods or wines

See also: pantry larder


a teashop where students in British universities can purchase light meals


unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech; "buttery praise"; "gave him a fulsome introduction"; "an oily sycophantic press agent"; "oleaginous hypocrisy"; "smarmy self-importance"; "the unctuous Uriah Heep"; "soapy compliments"

See also: fulsome oily oleaginous smarmy soapy unctuous


resembling or containing or spread with butter; "a rich buttery cake"