Sliminess in a sentence as a noun

I keep trying to eat natto every time I go to Japan, but I just can't get over the sliminess.

Lack of those features will never be equalled with mostly useless new features like portrait mode or sliminess.

This is interesting because the sliminess of okra bothers me, but of tomatoes, not at all

It's very possible to compete in it without contributing to the sliminess.

I think the reactionary ideals you promote enforce and enable sliminess.

"The CEO talking about his product in terms of first person value judgements tells you all you need to know about the degrees of sliminess involved.

Look at my beautiful boys!”I mean we all know at this point that Donald Sterling is/was racist, but holy **** the sliminess of the plantation owner vibe I get from this quote.

Especially since Uber's epic level of sliminess would make it even easier for Levandowski to rationalize theft.

At times, it seems that a certain sliminess is almost presumed--especially of affiliates.

As soon as our culture decides that sliminess, or literally anything other than profitability, is relevant to whether you can be a company.

Where does "it should be possible for being a jerk to get you fired" lead to "enforcing and enabling sliminess"?It is entirely possible to hold a firm stance on what you think is the correct approach without being a jerk.

Or did they, like, buy some site that was already slimy, and just continue trudging along in the path of sliminess?Coz like "we needz the ad revenue from the slimy stuff to bankroll our dalliance with serious journalism", and all that.

Sliminess definitions


a property resembling or being covered with slime


the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions; "the vileness of his language surprised us"

See also: loathsomeness repulsiveness vileness lousiness wickedness