Avian in a sentence as an adjective

Thus a huge demand for avian meat with low supply.

Are you willing to brave on a new hardened strain of avian flu just to find out.

In the third month, there were several shouters when the HQ avian meat started spawning.

Also: maybe an engineer would design a bat a bit differently inside so that it could use the avian wing tech?

The more avian characteristics it has, the worse the symptoms and mortality are likely to be.

Of course, no good thing goes unnoticed The next month, there were three other doctors in the spaceport shouting out that they were buying avian meat.

It turns out I was right - I was able to purchase even more avian meat than the last month and I was able to produce enough HQ buffs to just last the month.

Then the third month - this is when the market dynamics got interesting By now, several people had noticed that avian meat was in hot demand once a month.

So I basically upped the price I was offering to purchase avian meat above theirs - heck - I was flush with funds from last month so I figured I could out buy them.

So I never encountered a hunter who was selling bulk amounts of avian meat - they all sold in dribs and drabs and so had no negotiating power with me.

Even better than the real thing the video clearly demonstrates the robot bird not flying into all those glass windows like its avian counterpart has been known to do.

I effectively had my own contractor workforce out hunting avian meat!By the end of the third HQ avian meat season, I had more meat than I ever had before.

I think the reason I didn't suffer from these techniques was:Chinese Gold Farmer method: You needed as large a bankroll as myself and you needed to buy enough avian meat to last the month.

At the same time, it was particularly communicable; something of an oddity for a flu with so many avian characteristics.

With the constant trade and monopoly prices, I was able to further entrench my dominant position each month by continuing to out bid any other doctor who tried to purchase avian meat.

"Also, if you read the discussion, there's this point:"We found that a 1918-like avian virus exhibited pathogenicity in mice and ferrets higher than that of an authentic avian virus.

And avian meat was a pain in the **** to harvest - you had to roam all over the map looking for the changing spawn points and if I remember correctly, you would only have maybe 20 pieces of the resource for every hour hunting - it was seriously time consuming.

If he no longer wants to quiz me on my abilities as a developer but would rather discuss the airspeed velocity of swallows, I would assume that he has a reason for doing so, and I would gladly share with him with my limited knowledge of avian aeronautics.

Moreover, we demonstrated that acquisition of only a few amino acid substitutions can confer respiratory droplet transmission to 1918-like avian influenza viruses in a ferret model, suggesting that the potential exists for a 1918- like pandemic virus to emerge at any time from the avian virus gene pool.

The role of hybridization in driving morphological change, as McCarthy has observed time and time again, particularly in his studies of avian species ... , may be the most powerful mechanism of all."Okay, so if the "speed of change" problem is a pretty wide-open question without a lot of firm answers, and if this guy has staked out a claim in the problem space ... my reaction is basically "good on ya'!

Avian definitions


pertaining to or characteristic of birds