Sledgehammer in a sentence as a noun

Or since it's already broken you just bash it with a sledgehammer a few times.

HIV hit Africa like a sledgehammer, and stopped development cold for 20 odd years.

No, don't say "I can't help but use it like a sledgehammer": try to make a new, novel suggestion beyond "just try harder!

Sledgehammer in a sentence as a verb

> I do not understand the sledgehammer approach the FBI 'cybercrimes' division deals with things with.

It's a very ugly sledgehammer which is routinely used to censor dissenting voices.

It was shortsighted for the media companies to try to take a sledgehammer to the Internet—since what they sell are inherently digital products for which it was inevitable that distribution would move to the Internet eventually—but apparel is a physical product that isn’t in any danger of having that happen.

Sledgehammer definitions


a heavy long-handled hammer used to drive stakes or wedges

See also: maul sledge


beat with a sledgehammer

See also: sledge