Similitude in a sentence as a noun

I notice the similitude with the story of Hachikō when I had already wrote 2/3 of my comment.

Another similitude is that both involve a sense of building and play; who knows, that is perhaps the key to flow.

The generator is made in the popular flat style, it's the only similitude.

The similitude of the DEV environment and the production are crucial for devops.

Later I discovered that she was wrong and I'd reinvented a classic technique similitude and shown her.

A few people/teams implement similar solutions to similar problems, then someone recognizes the similitude and names that general pattern.

I think one wouldn't have to be a huge typography nerd to find one's suspension of disbelief in the pretense of hand lettering kind of shattered in the countenance of such a similitude.

What I usually do then is to read a book I already read in my native language; and force myself to catch up the grammar .The brain does a wonderful job searching for patterns and similitude.

This bit confuses me:At his federal trial, witnesses testified to the Liberty Dollars criminal similitude to standard American coins.

Interviews, and in fact, most first meetings between people, are often shibboleths: a perfunctory test of similitude to prevent outsiders from getting in and causing unnecessary angst by thinking differently.

I don’t think you really want me to break down a very clear similitude in smaller chunks for your comprehension, considering you follow with a gratuitous and unsubstantiated ad-hominem and incendiary language.

Similitude definitions


similarity in appearance or character or nature between persons or things; "man created God in his own likeness"

See also: likeness alikeness


a duplicate copy

See also: counterpart twin