Shinny in a sentence as a noun

Good lucky doing any of that on your shinny nexus 5.

If your shinny fb app doesn't post actions, then what's the point of building it on top of fb?

And the nerds are too distracted with their shinny things and job offers to notice.

As a user I was not that fortunate, I succumbed to the new shinny thing on the shelf.

Rewrite everything every few years when some new shinny toy comes out?

It's like someone getting angry that I don't care about gold, yea it's shinny and yellow, but that's about it.

Shinny in a sentence as a verb

Ever noticed all these shinny advertising banners next to your email and search results ?

"shinny" should be "shiny" on this line:We will do the rest for you. Just look on our shinny loading indicators while we are deploying your code without any downtime!

What so many folks never get is that the joy of John C. Dvorak is that he's a curmudgeon -- and in a world full of tech bloggers who fall under the spell the newest shinny object that's always a bit refreshing.

Sure I can build a vehicle with an engine, but how many people will buy my nice and shinny vehicle if it doesn't include say temperature control?

This is where iTunes fails its customers - as it focuses on the new and the shinny, creating an environment where apps that build a reputation slowly have no place, which is why most apps in the app store are released in a fire and forget fashion.

Shinny definitions


a simple version of hockey played by children on the streets (or on ice or on a field) using a ball or can as the puck

See also: shinney


climb awkwardly, as if by scrambling

See also: clamber scramble shin skin struggle sputter