Curmudgeon in a sentence as a noun

I'm sorry to be a curmudgeon but I don't like this guy at all.

I've always been a bit of a curmudgeon, so this is one I need to watch out for.

But I'm a cheap curmudgeon, so you should probably raise prices for all I know!

I don't think it's a stretch to characterize Dave Winer as a curmudgeon.

If you insist on being a total curmudgeon, can't you just skip the internet for a day?

You're not a curmudgeon, but I'll wager you've been using git for a while now. Here's the problem I have with git -- it has one of the worst CLIs I've ever seen.

"Not to be a curmudgeon but why would one want to use Rust for web development for a non-toy project?

I used to be a curmudgeon until my early 20s, wondering how everyone could be so dumb.

He has made valuable contributions and I respect him, but he's still a curmudgeon.

Denninger ran an ISP in Chicago in the mid-90s and is an infamous curmudgeon.

He doesn't need to literally say, "because he's a curmudgeon, his argument is wrong" for it to be ad hominem.

Clearly Linus just thinks all UIs are ****, and maybe that's a signal no one has figured this out yet, or maybe it's just a signal he's a curmudgeon.

For older developers, it's the curmudgeon, or the developer so set in their ways they are not open to any new idea.

Solve!And somewhere, a 32-year-old curmudgeon called Jacques Chester begins to write a long post about how this is actually just CLA-X, with a different name ...

You come off as an old curmudgeon that resents advances in women's rights and the lgbt movement and sees this as some sort of threat to old practices which were somehow more masculine in your mind.

Curmudgeon definitions


a crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas