Sewerage in a sentence as a noun

This is the way it is for roads, rubbish, sewerage, etc.

The main power hogs are pumping fresh water and sewerage.

Right now post-processed sewerage isn't used for food production in most First World countries, but it could be.

My parent's farm runs off of tank water and a self-sufficient sewerage system, not town water.

But you shouldn't need to go to Brazil for that and drink sewerage tasting cocktails of God-knows what and vomit your guts up.

Power, water, sewerage, heating etc are all solved easily with off the shelf parts available for this market.

Apart from sewerage\nsystems and synthetic vitamins, you don't seem to do anything at all about\nprevention.

Who needs clean water, affordable food, stable electricity load, good laws, sewerage, and a safety net.

The next few decades will hopefully tell.> But you shouldn't need to go to Brazil for that and drink sewerage tasting cocktails of God-knows what and vomit your guts up.

I can't wait to see someone legitimately design a better sewerage system by using twitter's geolocation.

One of these days those "no liability" clauses are going to be removed by legislation or a blockbuster court case and whole sewerage plants are going to smash into fan factories.

A call center job may suck, but it could be the difference between life in a slum without basic sewerage, and eating at western chain restaurants while texting your friends on your new smart phone.

We used to have that, and while the service of providing roads, electricity, or sewerage hasn't changed much in the last 100 years, telecommunications certainly has. while networks might lend themselves to natural monopolies, government sponsored telecommunications monopolies couldn't keep up with the pace of innovation these days and as a result consumers would be left paying high rates for antiquated service.

Dikes won't stop water seeping up through the porous limestone which Miami is built on, nor are they practical for protecting the everglades or any of the existing fresh water and sewerage systemsI think the bigger problem is that the resources for dealing with this sort of catastrophe will be stretched very thin when every coastal city the world over is trying to deal with rising water levels.

Sewerage definitions


waste matter carried away in sewers or drains

See also: sewage


a waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water

See also: sewer cloaca