Serum in a sentence as a noun

Your snip caught my attention, because "serum" usually refers to "blood serum".

The low-fat diet produced changes in energy expenditure and serum leptin42- 44 that would predict weight regain.

Preferably in more detail than 'free seratonin serum levels were increased.

Basically, I am deficient in calcium, even though my serum calcium levels are through the roof.

In vivo tests on human blood serum obtained from healthy people and patients with chronic pancreatitis, PanIn, pancreatic cancer revealed the same trends..

Dietary cholesterol is not well correlated with blood serum cholesterol.

Unscreened, random FMT can have a number of potentially life threatening outcomes; stool contain human serum, blood, lymphocytes, viruses and other biologics that can be harmful.

Also, muscles in the upper body have a higher androgen receptor count and therefore respond greater to serum testosterone levels and physical stimuli.

[...] Evidence against catabolism as a mediator of preterminal effects includes a lack of preterminal serum albumin de- cline in PSD rats [22] and the deaths of all rats in two TSD groups protected against catabolic effects, hypothy- roid rats and high-calorie diet rats.

Or a CIA that operated with zero oversight, ran *****, orchestrated coups, committed assassinations, and experimented on people to see whether *** was a truth serum?You think that's a government that's in control?

It's a one-off exposure, but it will be interesting to better nail down the relationship between serum sodium content and blood pressure via experiment rather than epidemiology.

Or, rather, deprive me of my Bitcoins, which is exactly as bad from my perspective?If Bitcoin were a mindreading technology, even that would only go so far. We don't even need to invoke wacky movie-plot truth-serum scenarios, or torturers armed with five-dollar wrenches, to see the problem: I have, alas, extensive life experience with Alzheimer's patients who slowly but surely stopped being "themselves".

Serum definitions


an amber, watery fluid, rich in proteins, that separates out when blood coagulates