Serf in a sentence as a noun

It derives from robota serf or corvee labour.

A young person saddled with $50,000 in debt and no prospect of a high-paying job is in effect a serf.

It is amazing what vision, a few hundred million dollars, and Chinese serf labor can do.

The feudal arrangement was that lords contracted the land out to vassals, who then employed serfs to work it.

The living standards of serfs simply improved dramatically.

Prior to industrialization, "labor" was often little more than serfdom.

It had an entirely different meaning, similar to serf or 'gofer' -- whereas when people used it about a woman, it basically meant the same as "*******".I hardly believe I've typed these words out. Blech.

A Pakistani farmer-serf is unlikely to agree with the Taliban on spiritual matters: most rural Pakistanis are Sufists, they worship local saints.

The main difference in the power relationship seems to be that modern serf-users are free to choose their lords, leading to greater competition among rival lords, whereas feudal serfs were born into the service of a single vassal, who in turn served a single lord.

Maybe women can think and perceive what is around them for themselves, and don't need charities to show them the "hidden option" of programming?▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬Addendum: before somebody jumps to the conclusion that I'm from a wealthy background, I'm working class, a humble chain-smoking serf.

As long as I know that my fellow citizens, my friends and family dont consider copying wrong and objectionable, there is no reason for me and anybody else to blindly obey a purchased, undemocratic law like a serf and like feudalism never ended.

When you have no choice, are you really renting or are you a serf?Even if you think that you own your phone, you still have to get it onto a network for it to become useful and you'll be renting that network access and you'll have no choice between contracts because they're all the same.

The displaced worker at the bookstore/recordstore becomes a Farmville-loving, unpaid-content-producing, at-home-living, virtual-goods-buying, ad-viewing serf, kept alive by a wealthy technical elite merely to keep the system running.

Freeman and slave, patrician and plebian, lord and serf, guild-master and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.

Proper Noun Examples for Serf

Serfdom implies a responsibility from the master to the serf, beyond that implied by chattel slavery.

Serf definitions


(Middle Ages) a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord

See also: helot villein