Helot in a sentence as a noun

He can only be referring to the helots here.

Sparta relied neither on Spartan nor immigrant labor, but on helot labor.

When you look at Alabama, giving the outgroup the helot treatment is either a way of life or a luxury good.

""Given how very little our sources care for the lives and experiences of any enslaved people, the unanimity of their testimony that life as a helot was awful is nothing short of astounding.

Indeed, Plutarch’s statement is telling – the helots were treated poorly by the standards of ancient chattel slavery, which is, I must stress, an incredibly low bar.""The absence of any taboo – legal or religious – against the killing of helots marks the institution as uncommonly brutal not merely by Greek standards, but by world-historical standards.

Helot definitions


(Middle Ages) a person who is bound to the land and owned by the feudal lord

See also: serf villein