Sentience in a sentence as a noun

They were pushed, and now they float until they gain sentience and come back to say "hi".

I don't know where they are in terms of sentience, but I kinda feel sorry for the jellyfish.

The AI's have progressed to true sentience and run mind-bogglingly massive space ships which can hold billions of people.

You want humanity to be the terminal phase of sentience in the galaxy?

In The Terminator, Skynet is supposed to have achieved sentience and turned against its masters.

What do they mean by "Google is reading our mail" - has Google reached sentience?Just to display it on GMail, one of Google's servers has to read the mail.

I can see the logic in the theory that the most likely outcome for any species reaching sentience is to destroy themselves.

Creativity is right up there next to sentience in the totem pole of AI capabilities, and is well into the realm of science fiction.

I expect sentience to exist in other species for the same reason that birds, bats and flying squirrels have convergent adaptations.

Google's voice interface for Android makes no pretensions towards sentience, but is capable of everything Siri is.

If they claim that Google has achieved sentience, the implications could be very far reaching...I mean perhaps this lawsuit will clarify when algorithms will be considered sentient.

Of course you could make a counter-case that perhaps sentience is only beneficial to us in particular, and not so much to other species --To which I would completely disagree.

They are also, I might add, invariably pre-machine-sentience societies.

Actually given that dogs score better than chimps, wolves and human infants in tests of social cognition would lend credence to the fact that humans are actually inadvertently creating sentience.

It's not anthropocentric to assume that sentience will appear elsewhere in the universe, given the sheer number of opportunities for evolution to solve similar problems in similar ways.

To the point that they actually rank above primates in certain tests of cognition and social behaviour - notably the two behaviours that are attributed as key elements of human evolution to sentience.

It will be there when the icecaps melt and the cities drown, when humanity destroys itself in fire and zombies, when the roaches finally achieve sentience, take over, and begin using computers themselves - at which point its various Ctrl-Meta key-chords will seem not merely satisfyingly ergonomic for the typical arthropod, but also direct evidence for the universes Intelligent Design by some six-legged, multi-jointed God.''

Sentience definitions


state of elementary or undifferentiated consciousness; "the crash intruded on his awareness"

See also: awareness


the faculty through which the external world is apprehended; "in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing"

See also: sense sensation sentiency


the readiness to perceive sensations; elementary or undifferentiated consciousness; "gave sentience to slugs and newts"- Richard Eberhart