Totem in a sentence as a noun

This puts them much higher up the healthcare IT totem pole than you would hope.

Only replace "outsource" with "delegate to someone lower on the totem pole.

The idea of Cobb's wedding ring as his totem has been discussed publicly as early as July 2010 [1], the month of the film's release.

I'm pretty low on the Google totem pole and I managed to get off a project that wanted me dearly because it didn't interest me.

Creativity is right up there next to sentience in the totem pole of AI capabilities, and is well into the realm of science fiction.

As the low kid on the totem-pole, I was given the tasks that were not liked by the architects: drawing detail sheets and reproducing blueprints.

At the low end of the totem pole -- what we'll call "low-value" writing -- will be the sorts of articles that software can eventually automate.

Economic growth is not a magic totem to which all else must bow, but it is one of the main reasons we subsidize higher education.

One of my aunts makes over $400K/yr as an administrator at a non profit, and she's still technically on the bottom half of the management totem pole.

My boss' faces turns white as he realizes that if the Senator realizes I'm from his office -- I was too far down the totem pole for him to recognize me immediately, thank God -- we're both screwed.

Totem definitions


a clan or tribe identified by their kinship to a common totemic object


emblem consisting of an object such as an animal or plant; serves as the symbol of a family or clan (especially among American Indians)