Semiotics in a sentence as a noun

Design has its own inherent semantics and semiotics in much the same way language does.

Like semiotics / linguistics or something more specific to web font use?

I spent my undergraduate learning complex rules of logic, heuristics, semiotics, and language.

[Disclaimer: my wife is an advertising art director who has educated me a tiny bit on semiotics]

The semiotics of the "United Colors of Benetton" mosaic is clear, but it is undermined by the "Leadership" sidebar, under even the most generous possible reading.

Female researcher C. S. de Souza has applied semiotics to Human-Computer Interaction,[1] and considers end-user applications as a "message" or "deputee" from the developer to the users.

And I cannot argue with the point that "semantic html" is being used that way sometimes, maybe even increasingly so. Now I have no interest in letting this discussion degenerate into linguistics, semiotics and descriptivism vs prescriptivism, but if we are to use that watered down definition, the whole article loses what could potentially have made it interesting and descends into 'duh' territory.

A five colored gradient emulating perfect lighting of a semi-glossy aluminum rod is carving saints into the tympanium - semiotics for the initiated and confirmation of one's devotion to sacred values.

A colleague of mine with a background in semiotics recently read Godel, Escher, Bach, and said it was, among other things, to his surprise a good introduction to something very similar to semiotics, but independently derived by Hofstadter from first principles.

It's also entirely plausible that the men holding those positions were the best candidate available to the company at the time the roles were filled.> The semiotics of the "United Colors of Benetton" mosaic is clear,You are taking a mosaic and applying what you want want to find in it.

Semiotics definitions


(philosophy) a philosophical theory of the functions of signs and symbols

See also: semiology