Selflessness in a sentence as a noun

However, the role we claim to take on, true "selflessness" is near impossible to reach in practice.

Altruism or selflessness is the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others.

She treated it as a given, but call me old-fashioned, I think selflessness is a desirable parental trait.

Altruism or selflessness is the opposite of selfishness.

Indeed, all of us attempt to strike a balance between selfishness and selflessness... some people just have balances that tip toward destruction.

She's important for her notice of the distortion of values and language by self-interest posing as selflessness.

There are women in my life who've shown such courage and strength and selflessness that I know I could not of as a child, and I hope to be be capable of too someday.

And yet employers think employees should act as if it's a magnificent act of selflessness and beneficence to deign to acknowledge the employee's existence and stoop so low as to offer them work.

The one that's about maximizing the benefit to a charitable organization, or the one that's about maximizing one's personal selflessness?

For an example of how well that tends to work out, see Microsoft's increasingly-shrill efforts to prove that they're still hip. The problem as far as I see it stems from the fact that the best companies project an image of selflessness - they're not actually trying to make money, they're just people who have a really, really amazing product, that they love so much, and are so happy introducing to the world.

Selflessness definitions


the quality of unselfish concern for the welfare of others

See also: altruism


acting with less concern for yourself than for the success of the joint activity

See also: self-sacrifice