Self-serving in a sentence as an adjective

VC's love to blow hot air because it's self-serving.

That's not science; it's bias, and self-serving bias at that.

And when the obvious happens, their response is self-serving.

The idea that we need patents to foster innovation is a self-serving lie.

That is the shocking, self-serving, and utterly ugly part about his statement.

It has been a while since I have treated those statements as anything more than the self-serving PR of a Fortune 500 company.

But beyond the terror you could see, there was nothing -- just pure cold and calculating rational self-serving thought.

The point of the article is that google has lost trust, and google+ along with strange, self-serving behavior of executives is how.

The best simple hack I can think of is completely self-serving, but I'll offer it anyway: piggyback on our filter.

This is a self-serving opportunity for Mark Pincus to look like the good guy, after years of acting like a tyrant when he was in charge of Zynga.

But we still should read their statements fairly, aware they contain self-serving spin, but also recognizing the precise things they do and don't claim via their word choices.

He is making self-serving arguments under the guise of caring about lofty ideals that his own actions demonstrate he has no regard for.

Whether or not they were asked has no bearing on whether it would have made an impact, and later statements that it would have made no impact are self-serving speculation.

Offering an open letter of advice coupled with biting critique, rather than making a private offer, does strike a certain self-serving tone.

I think you may have valid criticisms, but were out of line to call mhartl a man of "no real ethics, a sociopath, dangerous, self-serving, and someone to distance yourself from.

He conveniently omits this point, because the moment the focus turns to his motivations, it would be immediately obvious how self-serving the entire piece is.

It just annoys me that genuinely interesting information often seems to be spun by personalities to give it artificial gloss these days, making it all feel a bit slimy and self-serving.

In a world where science is just another fabricated self-serving belief system, there's no need to apply one's scientific literacy or application of physics learned in school when doing things like taking a car trip in winter.

Unfortunately the entire ideology is entirely one-dimensional and self-serving to the point where it ignores any and all counter arguments even if they really are more correct.

I don't know Mark Suster, and maybe I'm completely misreading this, but the whole story seems rather self-serving to me. His "ethical dilemma" was whether to agree to a deal changing in such a way that he would be paying 50% more... and when he said that no, he wasn't going to pay 50% more, we're supposed to accept this as a great triumph for ethics?I'm a great believer in behaving ethically, but this is not the sort of example I'd give.

Self-serving definitions


interested only in yourself

See also: self-seeking