Self-respect in a sentence as a noun

Keeping your self-respect, and getting another job? Google doesn't hire slackers and fakes; this guy can get another job in a heartbeat.

You need to have more self-respect for yourself, and expect it more from others than what you're implying in this comment. I, as a black man, do not welcome being hassled for my race.

I have too much self-respect for myself to put myself through that process. I declined the "opportunity" to interview with them.

It's about a dead-end guy who wants love and self-respect. Only his girlfriend knows what his real goal is, because she's the only person he's able to be completely honest with.

I'll just continue to toil in obscurity; self-respect intact.

Often at the cost of another human's dignity and self-respect not to mention career prospects.

My escapade cost me $2700 and a lot of self-respect, and though it was awful at the time I am thankful and realise I learned my lesson very economically. Hearing Aaron's story is really painful.

As a father, to be unable to support yourself, let alone your kids, can be a destructive blow not only to your self-respect, but to your children's respect for you. I suspect that that's what he was trying to avoid, and I find it wholly reasonable.

Less than my self-respect? The iterated prisoner's dilemma cautions us against letting someone profit by screwing us over.

You see the same in politics where the truly good and earnest people are also the ones with a conscience and too much self-respect to submit themselves to the abuse of public office.

What does seem to be non-negotiable is self-respect; I don't know anyone who can respect or care about someone who doesn't respect themselves. And as a man in contemporary American society, you get a lot of messages that you're worthless if you don't have a job.

Like he was just made a fool of, embarrassed, like he's just lost his self-respect, career, etc. The evidence is that the NSA is a bunch of fumble bumblers collectively about three cans short of a six pack.

When I read that bit, I wondered if part of his "bad hire" profile is somebody who has too much self-respect to **** themselves working >50 hrs/wk for his company at what looks like below-market rates.

Maybe he thinks he is part of a society larger than just himself, perhaps he has some kind of moral framework, some notion of wrongness, or some self-respect that would stop him from reneging on his promises. Not to mention that declaring yourself bankrupt when you have such a good income is almost certainly illegal.

One day even people in our profession might come to actually have some self-respect for what we do. Software development is a hard and challenging discipline - to trivialize it by pointing at guide-books and Q&A forums just demonstrates a total lack of understanding for what we do.

The thing is that pickup artistry is a school of thought developed in the part of society populated with folks who like to get fake tans and club every weekend with girls whose lack of wit is matched only by their lack of self-respect.

I also believe that video cameras will have a positive impact on police, increasing the respect they receive from the community and their self-respect, and enabling them to prove that they are often in the right around contested confrontations.

Which is more of a danger to me, someone who punches me in the face on their drunk night out and gives me a bloody lip and a bit of pain for a few hours, or someone who betrays confidences that may have lifelong implications for my employability, insurance premiums and credit levels, ability to travel freely, and for that matter my self-respect and basic human dignity, before you even get to the kinds of more extreme and very physical dangers that could be posed by invasions of privacy if we consider the lessons of history?

Self-respect definitions


the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect; "it was beneath his dignity to cheat"; "showed his true dignity when under pressure"

See also: dignity self-regard self-worth