Self-reliant in a sentence as an adjective

We programmers tend to be a fairly self-reliant bunch.

"plans are to install on-site grid storage to make them self-reliant with their own energy supply"

Schools do not produce well-rounded, sociable, self-reliant young people with inquiring minds.

And while individuals used to be relatively self-reliant in normal conditions, they had the backing of the community.

Being self-reliant that way instead of depending on a job in someone else's company might be quite in agreement with the simple life that Thoreau advocated.

But if people just want to be self-reliant in reasonable ways instead of falling back on public assistance as soon as they're eligible, I really don't see a problem with that.

However, I've never met anyone who thought it must have been emotionally scarring - I can't comprehend people who would think that teaching kids to be self-reliant and responsible would be scarring.

> self-reliant autodidactsWhat happens when your self-reliance fails you?> meritocracy of techThis is a pleasant lie we tell ourselves.

Another point to add to Justin's:Few skillsets grant you more of an ability to be self-reliant than the ability to understand and write software -- even if there's no job description written for what you do, or no company who will hire you.

' Helene Ahl found that in business discourse 70 percent of words used to describe entrepreneurs were male-gendered — these included “self-reliant”, “assertive”, “forceful”, “risk-taking”, “self-sufficient”, “leader”, “competitive”, and “ambitious”.

>Helene Ahl found that in business discourse 70 percent of words used to describe entrepreneurs were male-gendered — these included “self-reliant”, “assertive”, “forceful”, “risk-taking”, “self-sufficient”, “leader”, “competitive”, and “ambitious”.What a load of feminist rubbish on the front page.

Self-reliant definitions


(of persons) free from external control and constraint in e.g. action and judgment

See also: autonomous self-directed