Self-praise in a sentence as a noun

I raise you a "Another boring CloudFlare blogpost full of self-praise".

Your post reads like an uninterrupted barrage of self-praise.

In places there is a bit too much subjective self-praise for anything other than a sales pitch: "...elegant, beautiful, and timely..." I personally think their greyscale and doughnut charts don't look great.

The general criticism of Wolfram's book is that it's heavy on pictures and self-praise and comparatively light on content.

It appears impossible to have these discussions without the whole thing degenerating into thinly-concealed self-praise.

Politics of the left wing are increasingly about keeping up appearances and out-dogmaing one another, scaring off potential allies and self-praise on spurious grounds.

Unfortunately, the poster chose to break his dignified silence by posting a epic paean of fatuous self-praise on-line, interspersed with some quotations from his fathers 'blog on wisdom'.

It's interesting, as it does point out situations where Krugman seems to have been somewhat wrong in hindsight - which may be more discrediting than it otherwise would be, despite the difficulty of most predictions, when combined with his constant self-praise.

Unless you single-handedly redefine the meaning of "programming".The whole text you just wrote is full with dumb self-praise and deprecation of others; based on worship of principles that were never proven to produce good software, or any software at all.

Self-praise definitions


speaking of yourself in superlatives

See also: boast boasting jactitation